Thursday 8 July 2010

Jewish Jokes

I've always loved Jewish jokes, principally because they ably demonstrate the Jewish tendency to poke gentle fun at oneself. It is not, of course, true that Jewish people are mean (any more than that Scottish or Yorkshire people are mean), but Jewish jokes often reinforce this erroneous view.
Example: Father: "Ikey, are you reading?"
Son : "No, father."
Father: "Ikey, are you drawing?"
Son: "No, father."
Father: "Well take off your glasses, you wasteful boy."

Another tendency displayed in Jewish jokes is the element of self-pity, such as that displayed by Mr. Cohen in hospital. One morning, during the consultant's ward rounds, Mr. Cohen is hurt to note that the doctor misses him out completely. Cohen calls a nurse, and complains, whereupon the consultant apologetically returns to him, and asks how he is.
"Don't ask!" replies Mr. Cohen.

I suspect this last joke was not Jewish in origin, but it's funny nevertheless. Who is the most famous Scottish Jewish poet? Answer: Rabbi Burns.